Reality Woven

Posted on May 1, 2023 in Gifts, Stockport | Comments Off on Reality Woven

Meet the creator the artist whose inspiration for his models is drawn directly from the likes of Sacred Geometry, Hermeticism and Platonism to name but a few. 

Reality Woven is the name Sean gave his  business where he makes 3D representations of Fourth Dimensional concepts that are most commonly expressed in 2D diagrams.

When expressed in science and art, it is most commonly expressed using geometric forms.

I then take these forms and weave them together enabling me to make bespoke forms. Sean would love to share these interesting concepts with you.

Reality Woven Display Of Different

I started making my models about four years ago after being signed off from work due to ongoing health problems.

One of the things i always said when i was working was that i wish i had more time to dedicate to my craft. By “craft” i meant the broad spectrum of spiritual study, and so, given that my health would keep me housebound for the vast majority of my time, i immersed myself in my studies once more, something i had not done in over a decade.

When i was younger i used to identify as Pagan, and still do to some degree, however of late it has become evident that my own outlook runs closer to Hermeticism.

In my youth I practiced magical herbalism and crystal healing, which over time i had less and less time to pursue, hence my ever wanting to find more time to dedicate to “my craft”, and so with my new found time i was able to revisit my old studies as well as broaden them, and in so doing became heavily interested in Hermeticism, Sacred Geometry and the mystery schools of antiquity.

During my studies, my dreams became increasingly filled with geometric imagery to the point of a kaleidoscopic geometric nightmare, not in a way that i was scared to go to sleep, rather i was exhausted when i woke up, and at all points during the day the back of my mind was running over the geometric kaleidoscope again and again. It wasn’t until i started making my models that the din in my brain started to subside.

I named my business Reality Woven because, whether it be through language, art, science or religion, we use these things to help best express our own reality. When expressed in science and art, it is most commonly expressed using geometric forms. I then take these forms and weave them together.