Access The Bars

Posted on October 1, 2023 in Access Energy Facelifts, Access The Bars, AnchorHaven The Mystical & Wellness Studio, Books, Gifts, Healers, Health & Wellbeing, Incense, Stockport, Tarot & Angel Cards, Therapies, Workshops | Comments Off on Access The Bars

Meet Julia Cornelius From Anchor Haven

Will Be Retailing Many Products Also Julia Will Be Offering Treatments of Access The Bars
(Clear The Mind Delete The Rubbish ) & Energy Facelifts. Last Time She Was Extremely Busy So Book Early For This Treat

Workshop Room 2

4:30pm – 5:00pm(Sunday Only) Join Julia Cornelius  – Access Consciousness  To Discover What Else Is possible When We Utilise Access Consciousness, Questions To Manifest & Co – Create With The Universe. Discover The Benefits Of Access Bars – A Light Touch Therapy Applied To 32 Points On Your Head. Allowing you To Release Blocks, Limitations, Stress, Mind Chatter & More. Access Bars Therapy Allows You To Experience Deep Relaxation, Bringing All Of life To You With Ease & Joy.


Julia is originally from the Wirral, Merseyside and has lived all over UK.

Having travelled to Australia, New Zealand, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Malaysia.

Julia settled in India for over 10 years and the HavenIndia etsy shop facilitated connection with Reiki clients all over the World. 

Julia returned to the UK in 2014 when her son was small and anchorhaven began trading at markets and mind, body, spirit fairs where Julia is invited to lead talks and workshops related to Crystal connections and Chakra Wellness.

Anchorhaven, The Mystical Wellness Studio opened in 2022.

:: Reiki Master Teacher of many modalities including:

: Usui Reiki : Violet Flame Reiki : Runic Reiki : Colour Reiki : Fusion Reiki :

:: Solar Priestess of the Violet Flame ::

:: Violet Flame Chakra Awakened ::

:: Access Bars Practitioner ::

:: Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner ::

:: Quantum Crystal Energy Healer – Implant & Seal Removal Facilitator ::

:: Chakra Wellness Coach & Crystal Guardian Therapist ::

Julia is available for workshops, courses, public speaking events plus 121 therapies in-person and on zoom.

Stockport Masonic Guildhall – 7th/8th September 2024